Monday, October 29, 2007

Growing, growing, growing!

Is everyone enjoying this Fall weather finally? I know Torin and I sure are. We've been going on daily walks to get the mail and around the neighborhood. It gets both of us out of the house and Torin loves riding around in his stroller.

Torin is changing at lightening speed these days. We are seeing some amazing progress from his physical therapy. He is getting so much stronger at lifting his head and has turned into quite the wiggle worm. He loves sitting propped up or in his Bumbo. He also loves toys with rattles and/or squeaks. Of course once he picks them up they go straight to his mouth. We are having so much fun watching him discover new things daily. One of my favorite new tricks is him laughing at loud. Oh my, talk about melting your heart! He just cracks up at his silly old Mom and Dad. We've tried to catch it on video a few times but he always seems to stop once he sees the video camera. We will keep trying! He is also growing like a weed. I laugh when I read in my baby books that babies should double their birth weight by 6 months since Torin doubled his in 3 months. :)
Here are some more pics of our growing boy.

Torin looking at his hands.

Bath time!

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